The form of manufacturing factories has been existed since the Industrial Times in 19 century.With the changing of Times,the way of touring and leisure time spending has become a trend of 21 century.With the transforming of the industry,manafacturing factories are getting converted into touring ones,like Shiroya (白木屋)brand-culture Building,the museum of Brands (白蘭氏) for healthy life,Kavalan Whisky Brewing factory of King Car Company,and so on.Enterprises created the factories of tour-ing and sightseeing,making the new form of business activities,and by experiecing the marketing ways to connect new relations to customers.
This Study tries to inspect the issue of experiecing the marketing ways , experiecing the value and acknowledgement,and evaluating the establishment of brand ex-
periencing building can improve the willings of customers to revisit this kind of fac-tories.We began this kind of survey in Mar,1 to Mar,23 ,2013 in Taichung Balllon Museum by randomly selected visitors who actually visited there with question-nares.
The content of the questionnares including these four parts:The basic inform-
ation for visitors,experiecing the marketing way,the value of acknowledgent and the willing of returing.The total spreading sample of questionares are 151,after the noid data of
14 ,the valid ones are 137,the returing rate is 90.7%.Then we use SPSS program
to analyze,including the narrative statistics,creditbilities analysis,average number in-spection,single-variable analysis,regression analysis,and sample structure.
The result of this study can be a merit to help the enterprises creating the ways of selling impression and good competitive methods to outer environment,also a reference basis of how sustainable touring factories managing and planning.

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